Find the matching wallpaper for your desired style. Choose between many different styles: baroque and neo-baroque, retro, the country house style, a unique style and nature motifs.
The baroque style is all about glamorous, ornamental patterns and colors such as gold and silver pompous, combined with strong red, blue and green tones. Neo-Baroque is the modern alternative to the Baroque style.
In this style, you will find even ornamental patterns, but also floral patterns on the wallpaper. In addition, the Neo-Baroque style gaudy and bright colors are used. The retro style includes square, round and plaid patterns.
The pattern wallpaper in many fresh and bright colors that can be combined with a variety of wallpaper university. Faded colors and rough surfaces we find in the country house style.
The wallpapers are often country-style in natural colors and floral patterns, or even in stone and wood looks. Besides this wallpaper styles, there are also patterns and surfaces that are not classified in these styles.
These patterns include the category, incomparable 'to. In this category you will find extravagant design and exceptional feel and surfaces. Everything revolves around nature motifs in the next category.
Here you will find plants, animals, and trees and flowers and stone structures. When modern style and are mainly strong colors and abstract shapes.
In the last category you will find uni wallpapers in all colors and different structures, perfect to combine with various patterned wallpapers. Our styles offer you to definitely a lot of choices for them to find the right style for your home.