Texdecor - Casadeco - Gallery - artistic wallpapers with abstract shapes and patterns

Die Kollektion Casadeco – Gallery vom französischen Hersteller Texdecor zeigt Wandbilder und Tapeten aus Vlies mit starkem künstlerischem Ausdruck. Abstrakte Muster stehen in Verbindung mit intensiven Farbtönen und interessanten Kontrasten. Grafische Formen sind ein großer Bestandteil dieser künstlerischen Tapetenkollektion. Die Gestaltung dieser Muster zeigt verschiedene Künstlerische Maltechniken, wodurch einige Tapeten sehr modern und stilisiert, andere aber auch eher abstrakt und bunt wirken. Die Tapetengestaltung reicht dabei von modernen menschlichen Silhouetten und Gesichtern im One Line Stil, über fein linierte geometrische Kreise und Quadrate, bis hin zu wilden, dynamische Formen-Mosaiken. Alles in allem ist diese Kollektion alles andere als langweilig und sorgt für bunte und dynamische Hingucker an den Wänden in Ihrem Zuhause.
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The wallpaper collection "Gallery" by the French manufacturer Casadeco is reminiscent of a tour of an art gallery. Strong, rich colors, different styles and techniques, as well as interesting motifs are reflected in the collection. The drawing style of Picasso is particularly present in the collection, as well as various effects that are created with colors. A special highlight of the collection is a fluorescent wallpaper in green or pink, which has the property of glowing in the dark. Casadeco has incorporated various creative aspects into the design of the wallpaper, so that the designs actually look like small works of art.

The main colors of the collection are particularly strong and expressive. These include, for example, dark blue or green tones, a strong orange, purple, yellow or red. Furthermore, Casadeco uses fluorescent colors that glow in the dark for two wallpapers. This wallpaper shows a concrete wall with light speckles in neon colors. Green and pink are the two color choices provided by Casadeco.
The motifs in the collection look like they are from an art exhibition. The well-known Picasso faces, drawn in the One Line style and thus only represented with a single line. The minimalist style has been in trend for ages and always looks aesthetic without much effort. The faces on the wallpaper also have a slight 3D effect because you can feel the lines with your finger. In addition, the faces are not drawn accurately, but also in odd lines, which emphasizes the abstract effect and looks playful. All in all, the motifs in the collection look as if they had been drawn freehand on the wallpaper with a fineliner. The shapes also intersect with each other and thus create interesting color mixtures. Geometric shapes such as circles and rectangles also appear in the designs.

Another style that appears in the wallpapers of the collection is a technique that makes the wallpaper look like it is made of a velvet fabric. Interesting perspectives that appear in the designs create thin, fine lines that point in different directions, thus creating geometric shapes. Some wallpapers also look like they have been put on the wall with a spatula.

The wallpapers from the collection can easily be installed in different rooms. Since there is enough choice between eye-catching motifs and less eye-catching motifs, it is particularly easy to play with eye-catchers. In its wallpaper book, Casadeco also suggests hanging the artistic motifs framed on the wall. In this way, you can make something special out of a simple plain wallpaper and let a recurring motif appear more often without wallpapering entire walls. The room image is particularly harmonious if one wall has been papered with statement wallpaper and the same motif appears on another wall as a framed picture. And different motifs can be experimentally framed and easily exchanged without having to rewall the wallpaper straight away. Furthermore, new accents can always be added or exchanged to freshen up the design. The motifs of the "Gallery" wallpaper collection are very suitable for this, as they all look very artful and aesthetically pleasing. In summary, this collection is perfect for style-conscious people with an affinity for art, as it offers a large selection of small works of art. So it's worth taking a look at the collection if you're looking for trendy and aesthetic motifs.

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