The wallpaper collection "Italian Style" by Essener lives up to its name. The typical Italian style, which radiates luxury and elegance, runs through the entire collection. With different textures, surfaces and gloss effects, a high-quality impression is conveyed and your rooms receive their very personal, Italian charm.
Classic ornaments and patterns are particularly common on the wallpapers, which are often emphasized by a special surface or a glossy look. Each motif has its own special feature and convinces with sophisticated designs. Essener doesn't stop at plain wallpaper either, because despite the simple design, they convince with integrated glitter particles, which sparkle in good lighting conditions.
Despite the pompous elegance, the wallpaper collection also looks natural, as quite simple colors are used. Thus, the different motifs and surfaces stand out particularly well. The colors used are mainly light shades of beige, as well as brown and taupe tones. Furthermore, Essener relies on an interesting rusty red and a dark blue tone. The colors also harmonize with each other, which makes it particularly easy to combine the different wallpapers.
The motifs of the "Italian style" collection also reinforce the natural effect. Here you can see, for example, lush flowers, curved tendrils or birds with dense plumage. The glossy, silky effect of the wallpaper enhances the authentic floral look, as it is reminiscent of the natural shine of fresh flower petals. The silky look can also be felt and is particularly smooth.
However, the ornaments are not only displayed smooth and shiny, but also with a tactile texture, which achieves a 3D effect. A lot of creativity went into the design of the wallpaper, which you can clearly see when browsing through the collection. Especially the different surfaces and processed materials, which definitely provide variety.
The different looks also include a sophisticated wood look, which is reminiscent of the grain of a piece of wood. This design not only appears in the authentic shade of brown, but also in black or shades of blue. The curved wood look also creates a moiré effect, which can be a special detail in the interior design. The plaster look is also interesting, which also convinces with gloss effects and scores with different color versions.Not only in the combination with each other, but also with the combination of furniture. The colors and materials leave a lot of scope for a coordinated interior design.
The motifs of the collection have a refreshing effect, because the variety of surfaces, materials, colors and effects means they don't appear boring. The designs of the collection can be placed in any room. The eye-catching motif wallpapers are particularly good as eye-catchers in your main rooms. Create a sophisticated interior design in the kitchen, living room or bedroom. The motifs can be combined particularly well by putting them together with a plain plain wallpaper. Thus, the focus is placed on the selected design and the colour-coordinated plain wallpaper underscores the effect. The single-colored ones can also be used for a simple design in the hallway or the bathroom.
In summary, the "Italian Style" collection from Essener is perfect for those who want to bring the pompous, Italian flair to their home. The wallpapers are made of vinyl on paper and make a particularly high-quality impression with the right interior design.